
Zinc-coated steels by electrolytic or electro-galvanized route.

These products consist of a steel substrate onto which a coating of pure zinc is applied by electrolysis, on one or both surfaces, from an aqueous solution of zinc salts. The presence of the zinc coating is intended to protect steel from corrosion, and compared to the hot dip process, electroplating allows for lower zinc thicknesses, therefore more suitable for interior applications or painting.

The thickness of the coating is extremely regular, and the surface, being uniform and manicured,makes an excellent substrate for paint.

Areas of use:

• Heating
• Telecommunications
• Cars
• Household appliances (refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, kitchen countertops, bathtubs, shower trays, water heaters, etc.)

Technical supply conditions:

Unlike the hot-dipping process, electroplating also allows only one of the two faces to be coated; therefore, ZE 25/0, ZE 50/0, ZE75/0, and ZE100/0 combinations are also possible, for which it is necessary to specify whether you want the electro-galvanized face to be the top or the bottom.

Electro-galvanized products can be supplied with special requirements for appearance and surface protection.

Data sheet
Data sheet with current European standards and technical characteristics of the product.